Making Waves Online Course

September 22nd - 8 Week Course


Making Waves is an innovative STEM+Music program that sharpens students’ creative and analytical skills while building community. Using principles drawn from grade-level standards in math and science, as well as best practices in music education, students design, build, and analyze custom musical instruments and then compose and perform original works using those instruments.


We are pleased to offer a pilot version of the Making Waves program, taught by live expert instructors over Zoom, especially for families educating children in grades 3-5 at home. Each child will receive a kit for building a log drum, chime set, and a custom "rhythm puzzle" made by South Bend Woodworks, along with a workbook and supplies. Children will learn about rhythm and fractions, melody and sound waves, and cooperation and collaboration through composing and arranging a unique musical work as a group.


Dates & Time

  • Starting September 22nd

  • 8 weekly sessions

  • Wednesdays 4:00-5:00 Eastern time


  • English


  • Zoom, Online


  • Voluntary.

    For this special pilot we request that families pay what they can afford. We will ask children and parents to complete a brief survey before and after the program, and to provide feedback to help us improve this exciting new program. This research is conducted with support from a grant from the National Science Foundation.


Classes Full

Unfortunately space is limited and all of our current classes are full. If you’d like to stay up to date with Making Waves classes sign up for our mailing list through the link below!